Check out what True Impact is doing

Since its beginning, True Impact has sought to find opportunities to serve the community and share the love of Christ in different ways. Whether its weekly food distribution, microsite church gatherings in the community, or going out to other parts of the world, True Impact takes every opportunity to take the gospel message out!

Summer 2022 was filled with exciting opportunities to serve others near and far. In July, a team of 15+ members traveled to Tijuana, Mexico for a construction and evangelism missions project. In addition, the team provided fresh produce to the community, gave haircuts, clothing, and had a time of arts and crafts for children. Around 500 people from the community were served as well as a home built by the missions’ team for a family in need.

The weekly community meals and church microsites continue to grow as all are welcome to attend and help out! Please contact us for locations and times of these weekly events. We would love to see you there!

As we embark on 2023, True Impact has continued to grow and expand their territory in serving their local communities and abroad. Microsites are flourishing with new and creative ways to reach out. And in May 2023, two True Impact board members will travel to Bolivia, South America to encourage pastors, leaders, and the community with a three-day conference. God is at work in our lives!

"...Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me."

Matthew 25:40 NIV

Community Meals 2023

True Impact offers weekly/bi-weekly community meals in the Pomona area where people of all backgrounds can come together to enjoy food, fellowship, and community.

Meals and Community

Contact us for Microsite times and locations.

Microsite Ministries

In early Spring 2023 True Impact hosted a Barbershop event for young men and women to receive free haircuts by professional barbers while listening to Pastor Eric preach the gospel.

Honduras 2022

Members of True Impact, Lawrence and Ines Vasquez participated in a church conference, ministering to hundreds about the importance of living a God-pleasing life while balancing marriage, family, and ministry.

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